Luke Ijaz
Luke Ijaz Luke Ijaz was born and raised in London’s West End, and became a Christian while studying in central London. Having studied at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, he is now Associate Vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Redhill in the UK. He also directs church training for the Reigate area in Surrey.

There are 5 other Sermons by Luke Ijaz on this site.

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Break or make

Luke Ijaz

keywords: joy, perserverence

Fix your eyes on this message of perserverence and the pure joy it brings. It will either break you or make you, you decide!

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Also by Luke Ijaz

From the invisible to the visible

Take a step back as we take a look at the bigger picture that Luke Ijaz tries to paint for us. He carefully captures a closeup of the key moments of action where we zoom in from the invisible to the visible.