Mark PrenticeMark was appointed in 2013 to lead the work at St John the Baptist Church in the English city of Ipswich, following the nine years he gave to the All Souls Clubhouse in London. "I don't think I can remember a time after I became a Christian in my mid-teens when I didn't also know I was called to preach". With that in mind Mark left Northern Ireland where he had been born and bred (thanks Mum!), and went to study theology at Exeter University. He has since been back to college twice, studying part time at London Bible College while employed as a youth worker in South London, and then at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford while training for ordination. "Two deeply significant things happened to me while I was at Wycliffe. I began to read some old Puritan works while researching for a paper, which staggered my heart, my mind and my soul. They left me with a passion for the heritage they have left the Church, for their profound insights into God and his Word; and they revolutionised my thinking about what it was possible for God to do when his Word was preached faithfully!" ...and the other significant thing? During his time at Wycliffe, Mark also met Liz, and they were married shortly after Mark began his Curacy at Holy Trinity, Tulse Hill. Together they used to lead short term mission teams to places such as Kenya and Mexico - but that was in the days before Samuel and David put in an appearance! For the foreseeable future, family visits to London Zoo is as exciting as it gets! However, Mark still manages to enjoy reading (mostly old theology!) sport (more watching than playing these days), playing the guitar, and conjuring : "The conjuring helps with school assemblies!"
Latest Sermon by Mark Prentice
keywords: Take up the Cross, Fear, Rejection, the World, Likeness to JesusThe servant is to be like the Master. In this world two camps face each other; don’t then expect the accolades; yet we need not be afraid. Those who are intimate with God are not intimidated!
All 9 Sermons by Mark Prentice
 | Take up your Crosskeywords: Take up the Cross, Fear, Rejection, the World, Likeness to Jesus |
 | Jesus walks on waterkeywords: The sea, the nations, Walking on Water, Chaos, Storms, the nations, ‘I AM’ |
 | The Baptism of Jesuskeywords: Baptism, Baptism of Jesus, Joy in heaven, the Holy Spirit, Water, Renewal, New Creation, Love of God |
 | The Teaching of Jesuskeywords: Falling Away, Following Jesus, Discipleship, Freedom from sin, Christ’s Teaching, Opposition to Jesus |
 | A long timekeywords: bride, bridegroom, virgins, long, time, fall asleep, sleep, death, Matthew 25 |
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