Stephen Lungu
Stephen Lungu Stephen Lungu from Malawi was left on the streets of Harare in Zimbabwe by his mother, when only eight years old. This led to his entry into gangland life, and to his eventual leadership of a violent gang called The Black Shadows. It was to Christian meeting at a large tent in Harare that he led his comrades, with the avowed intention of blowing it up.

There are 5 other Sermons by Stephen Lungu on this site.

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The Kingdom Lifestyle- Repent!

Stephen Lungu

keywords: Repentance

Matthew 3:1 - 4:25

We may think that 'repentance' is only for unbelievers. No, says Stephen, as he points to the early preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Himself. Repentance is tied right in to the Kingdom of God itself, and it leads to the New Creation - to brand-new people in Jesus Christ!

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Also by Stephen Lungu

The God of New Things

Stephen Lungu - though a preacher to thousands of people today - remembers the struggles of his own negative past, as he draws on the account of Joseph of old, in this riveting message about inner healing.