Phil Chadder
Phil Chadder Since 2007, the Rev Phil Chadder has been Senior Chaplain at HM Brixton -Britain’s oldest prison. Earlier, he gained his academic degree at Exeter University, and progressed from there to London’s well-known theological college of Oak Hill. From there he became ordained to the ministry of the anglican church in 2003, and served in the parish of Great Chesham for four years before his appointment at Brixton.

There are 4 other Sermons by Phil Chadder on this site.

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Men, Women and Christ

Phil Chadder

keywords: marriage, picture perfect, modern times, life, love

Do you have a picture perfect marriage? In these modern times, let's face it! Marriage has almost become a misinterpreted expression of life. Let's get back to basics with Phil Chadder as he tackles the battle of the sexes and gives a new take on life, love and everything-else-in-between.

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Do you constantly impose rules upon yourself and others alike? Come on! Don't be like a legalistic pharisee. Let Phil Chadder school you into how to escape from your rigorous routine that will ultimately lead you into a restful righteous reality.